Quirky Quincunxes ~ 13 Feb 2016

Presently Mars in Scorpio tightens up in a quincunx with Eris in Aries. At the same time, Jupiter backs away from his exact quincunx with Eris, simultaneously Jupiter sextiles Mars. By the time that pattern assembles, a quirky set of quincunxes form a yod, a Finger of God, with its phalange focus being none other than Eris.

While this might sound ominous, Eris maintains cooperative relationships with Mars and Jupiter. True, she and Ares (ruled by Mars) ran around together in all sorts of socially stressful situations, but they were on each others side. Jupiter, valuing the skills of Eris, once appealed to her to aid him in reversing the order of the solar system such that a political injustice - in Jupiter’s opinion - could be rectified. That’s quite significant.

So, let’s look at the parts of this prevailing pattern:

A quincunx requires an adjustment. Typically, one seeks to have others do the adjusting to match their personal preferences. However, when it becomes clear the other party holds no interest in changing, the one seeking to force the adjustment reevaluates whether or not they can, or will adjust to create a different outcome than the not perfect fit in play. Hint: adjust and tweak. The change likely is less severe than it feels upon initial encounter.

Mars, of course, is what one does and how one does it. With Mars in Scorpio, an important part of the plan is the why of what is doing or is not doing. Putting a finger on the pulse of motive, whether conscious or ulterior, benefits all circumstances by disarming any hostility or unnecessary edge in effort. To stay in bounds of positive interactions, avoid going over the top. Hint: Play nice in the sandbox. Wins all around.

Jupiter defines what one believes. This remains hugely important as the belief system one holds flavors the tone with which actions are directed in the real world. Equally important, given the adjustment energy in the air, how about reexamining those beliefs to make sure they support beneficial outcomes instead of investing in cynicism or pessimistic pragmatism? Hint: Give up believing in concepts that do not support consciousness.

Eris resents exclusion. When feeling excluded, she is inclined to go out of her way and beyond the beyond to exact what she feels equalizes the perceived injustice. Hint: Reevaluate how and where you want to fit in.

Tying Mars and Jupiter and Eris into a bow of sorts, a question looms: What changes are you making in behavior, goals or in the beliefs behind those goals to ensure a perfect fit with all life aspirations and to garner results that soothe the soul? Plan on a tweak or two. It does a body good.

Speaking of adjusting...

Saturn now stands in direct alignment with the Great Attractor, an enigmatic entity in space that appears to be drawing us and everything in relationship with us in the Universe toward its central point. An interesting point about the GA is that it emanates in all known frequencies as far as we can tell. The inclusion of all vibrations bodes well for pleasing Eris, and reminds each inhabitant of any planet, solar system, or galaxy to keep in mind the commonality with all other inhabitants of the same world or others.

Take a few moments to center yourself somewhere. In your mind, assign all life priorities a position. In stillness, sense which of those positions pulls you closer. Then ask if the pull experienced fully serves the purpose of your greatest missions. Is the Universal draw aligned with personal preferences and alliances? If not, stand by for tuning.

Good thing that quirky quincunx pattern prevails. Also a good thing for all intents and purposes, Saturn more or less trines the position of Eris... and also Uranus. Change and adjustment is in the wind. That’s change and adjustment based upon refined belief, improved actions, clarified intentions and within those parameters bodes well for redefined and substantial results.

More soon!